Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 19th, just outside of Philly on a rainy day.

Spring begins tomorrow, or so they say.

Today, the only thing outside that looks like Spring is some budding trees and some flowers beginning to sprout up from bulbs around a tree here and there.
The clouds are covering the sky... its gray... The rain has let up, for now... but its one of those drizzle type rains... nothing heavy. Just enough to make things messy and wet.
Cold... yeah its cold too. Too cold for the day before Spring.

Its a good day to stay in and finally pull the tax information together, do some paperwork and file some things that have been sitting on my desk for months.

The hounds are napping, warm and dry in their beds. They have a wonderful life!

My wife is getting over a bad cold. Seems like its lasted for ten days now but, she is on the mend and feels much better. I can't believe Ive been able to dodge it but, Im glad I have.

So there.
Ive posted.

I feel better!

See ya'll in a few weeks..... Nah, just kiddin'. I'll do better at posting!


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